Washington Scouts


Rate that Game

Rate that Game

This week – following our health theme – we spent the night playing games. In the unit the duty sub-unit always chooses the game for the night. This is usually murderball or dodgeball, which are both uni favourites. This week we played a number of new games and rated them.  Most popular games were horse and rider (a game where you pair up horse and rider style and battle to steal the neckerchief from your opponents head) and that’t my chair (everyone but two members of the unit sit on chairs randomly placed around the room. One of the chairless dudes tries to tig the other. When he is tug their roles reverse. This keeps going on until the one who is being chsed touches the back of one of the chairs and says “That’s my chair!” Then the person sitting on the chair replaces them in the game.)

We then went on to play a few dafter games like nice sweet little kitty (sounds safer than murderball at least) and bunnies. The night was a huge success and from now on we have a few more games to choose from. A Unit challenge has been issued to find even more new games to try.  But not Paul Ball – which is a game where we once used Paul as a ball. He said that game will NEVER be played again.