Washington Scouts


On power cut night we try our hand at Super Hero photos

On power cut night we try our hand at Super Hero photos

Mr Lloyd brought one of his pro cameras down and showed us how to make superhero light pictures.

Here are the steps if you want to try it yourself:

  1. Put the camera on a tripod
  2. Set the shutter speed to 15 seconds
  3. Stand totally still – in your superhero pose – and hold a coloured light in each hand
  4. Start the shutter
  5. Get two friends to move your lights toward and past the camera
  6. Fire a flash at some point to illuminate the hero’s face.

It takes really good teamwork to get your shot. Check out our video of what we did to see the process in action.


The circles of light were created with a lightstick he had made out of an LED light strip,

The surprising thing is that you don’t see the people who are moving the lights so long as they aren’t caught by the flash of course.