Washington Scouts


Cubs welcome new Beavers into the pack

Cubs welcome new Beavers into the pack

We had a lot of new people at cubs this Tuesday, 5 to be precise.  Four Beavers who are moving up to Cubs and 1 Cub transfer from another pack.  It was certainly a busy night. We decided to hold a Challenge night to introduce the new people gently.  The challenge was to build the highest most interesting structure out of recycled cardboard boxes and tubes (I have been collecting them for weeks). One cub who had obviously read his programme had brought in photographs of a visit to Dubai, one of the pics was of the tallest building in the world which was appropriate but unfortunately we didn’t get a chance to have a look at it; I hope he brings it in next week.  I had one of our parent helpers judge the efforts of the night and the winners shared some sweets which had a lot of moans and groans from everyone else ha ha.