At Scouts this week we turned out hand to the Great Scouty Grow Off. Each Scout has planted a hanging basket that they will be carefully looking after over the next few weeks. A prize is up for grabs for the most successfully grown basket. The baskets will be available for purchase at £10 each at the end of May. Hopefully by then the Summery weather will have officially arrived and the snow will have gone. We’ll keep you posted on the progress and will be taking orders in a couple of weeks. All money raised will go toward funding our Centenary events. We’re also going to create a raised bed at the front of the building so we can take part in Washington in Bloom. We’re on the look out for sponsorship with plants so if you know anyone who would be willing to donate please let us know.
Check out the pictures of Mr Lloyds mobile garden centre and the Scouts hard at work planting. Extra credit was given to scouts who could successfully identify all of the plants in their basket. Each one contained a Lobelia, Petunia, Dianthus, Marigold and Viola.