Beavers BIG sleepover: 10-11 June

Beavers - are you ready for a BIG sleepover?

BDO 2017 - Beavers Banner

Join us for over 24 hours of non-stop fun as we start the day at our home for the weekend, the Scout HQ, and then head to Moor House for a day full of adventure with our friends from other colonies. Afterwards, we’ll head back to the HQ for tea, followed by fun, games and a campfire before settling down for the night.

You'll need to bring a packed lunch for the picnic during Saturday daytime. We'll provide tea & supper on the Saturday and breakfast for the Sunday.

Start: 9.30am on Saturday 10 June

Transport: Spaces on our minibus are limited on a first-come, first-served basis. We will try and arrange transport for as many as possible, but it may be necessary for some to make their own way to and from Moor House for the Big Day Out.

Finishes: Pick-up by 10am on Sunday 11 June

Cost: £10 for the sleepover, plus £5 for the Big Day Out - totalling £15. Beavers are welcome to come to the Big Day Out or sleepover seperately. We'll be back at the HQ by around 6pm on the Saturday for those who would just like to attend the sleepover.

Want to go?

Please return the slip on the bottom of the sleepover flyer, which will be available at your section meeting, to Andy Gray, and your Big Day Out consent form and money to Paul Hillman. Payments for the sleepover should be in by Friday 26 May.

A full kit-list, consent form and information will be provided for you before the sleepover.